Thursday, November 10, 2016

[Charade] Dinamo Wiper Carry Untuk Pengganti Dinamo Wiper G10/CS

Dapat tips dari group G10 :

copas :

Yg punya charade xg/cs jika dinamo wipper mati,dan di daerah anda susah barang,,, gak usah bingung2 cari part nya, apa lagi pakai part copotan yg dah ber umur puluhan taun yg tinggal nunggu matinya wkwkwkwk..bisa aplikasi pakai carry 10. Gak sampai 200 rb baru..Kw. Ori 350an.
Tinggal geser lobang baut dudukan dan ganti soket
Besar as engkol sama....
Wes ngono tok salkomsel semoga bermanfaat...
Salam oprex g10 #480 chapter lampung

dinamo carry dudukannya lebih kecil jarak2nya, mesti dibor baru biar pas

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Why Car Battery Easily Damaged

Car battery quickly damaged due to overcharge or over discharge. In the regular battery, the voltage drop to about 11 volts already mean large discharge. So at voltage of 11 volts the over-discharge happened. It means at 11 vollt, the battery should not be used again, it must be charged first. So the key is controlling discharge the batteries in order not to "run out". Use any batteries, using any alternator.. if you use it to over-discharge.. battery well will be broken again. The easiest to do is plug the digital voltmeter on the dashboard, read the battery specification .. what minimum voltage so as not to over-discharge. For example the minimum specification is 11 volts, well when the voltmeter on the dashboard is a 11 volt you need to conserve battery.

Below the charts discharge of a cell battere. Graph symbolize the characteristics of a cell battery. Because one cell has voltage of 2.1 volts, means it took 6 cell for 12 volt batteries. From the graph shows that for wet batteries (lead-acid?) In every cell, the voltage drop of 2.1 volts to 1.8 volts means 100% discharge. So for 6 cell means a drop of 12.6 volts to 10.8 volts (approaching 11 volt ) means 100% discharge. It appears that the cell voltage is approximately 2,025 VLT (12,15 volt batteries) is already 50% discharge (green box). At 1.93 volts (11,58 volt batteries) is 80% discharge (yellow box). In 1.775 volt (10.65 volt batteries) is 100% discharge.

Another cause is the overcharge, the 
excessive charge . It could be cut-off circuit in the alternator is damaged, so alternator continue charging even though the batteries are full.

Coronary Disease Cables Starter

My starter dynamo often do not work when the engine is hot, such as when a new arriving home after a walk, a dead machine can not be a started again. Or were the streets, stop at the mini market, a dead machine can not be started again when going away. Initially suspected dynamo problematic, and indeed the dynamo along with solenoid switch is problematic and repaired:

The results are very nice improvement. Starter work when engine is cold but it still will not work when the engine is hot. Allegedly there is a problem in the wiring, well as humans get older sometimes affected vessel (coronary heart disease). In the old cable, too. A young cables still up resistance when the heat rises, the old wiring worse rising :).

Resistance equation:

R = Ro * [1 + K * (T-To)].

With Ro = resistant value when the temperature is 0 degrees, for example (usually at 20 C)
              K = coefficient
              T = temperature measured
              To = temperature of 0 degrees, for example (usually at 20 C)

sample graph:

On old cable, the K value may be too large, so a change of 25 Celsius to 75 Celsius for example, can lead to resistance rising dramatically (vessel narrowing) and drop a lot of current flow hence not able to turn the starter solenoid switch. Solenoid suck large current, its  up to 30 A.  Ampermeter needle rocking in time starter, but there was no sound of solenoid work. If there is no ampermeter, I also did not know what was happening. The big movement of the amperemeter needle indicates there is a large current entrance to the solenoid switch but the starter solenoid does not work properly. This means that the solenoid such as lack of sufficient current to make the solenoid work.  Current flow blockage occurs when the engine is hot.

The solution:
1. Push the car to turn :), or
2. Relax first, smoking and wait for the machine and the cord  cold, or
3. Replace the new cables, contact wires and Bendik cables , or
4. Remove the old cable functions to the new cable through the relay.

My solution  is No. 4. Yesterday I installed relay and on the next day, i drove through worn-congestion jam along Arcamanik-jl Jakarta, 1/2 temperature, because less stationary, the engine had died seven times. Fortunately engine work every started because coronary disease has been cured wear relay.

Here's how to install relay:

Materials needed :

1 pc relay Hella 30 A

1 pc holder relay

2 m cable blue 3 mm

2 m cable dark blue 3 mm

1 m cable yellow 3 mm

5 pc Female terminal

1 terminal male

2 terminal to the battery

Good luck.